Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC)
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC), also referred to biocorrosion is a serious problem in industries and particularly aggressive form of corrosion. Water is the main component in the vast majority of industrial systems. Its combination with organic and inorganic contaminants and chemicals provides an environment for growth of microorganisms. The corrosion-relevant microorganisms like to attach to solids and form biofilms at the solid–liquid interface. Excessive microbiological growth and biofilm formation can lead to various problems. In approximately 40% of the corrosion cases, microorganisms are involved. Microorganisms are able to speed up the corrosion process by 10 to 100 times. MIC corrosion cause the degradation of the materials and metals, and also can lead to clogging problems as well. 3 types of microorganisms commonly found in industrial water samples are: algae, bacteria and fungi. Detection and identification of microorganisms in industrial water samples is a crucial preliminary step in every biological control program and biocide selection.
Important MIC microorganisms
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
Slime-forming bacteria (SFB)
Fungi (mold & yeast)